Monday, August 5, 2013

4 Behind the Scenes Players of the YD Red Sox

With the closing of the regular season this past Saturday, the YD Red Sox head into the 2013 Cape Cod Baseball League playoff season starting Tuesdsay, August 6 away at Chatham. With only a few short and tentative weeks left in the teams summer, it is adequate timing to take note of some of the behind the scenes players that make everything on and off of Red Wilson Field run smoothly.

The Cape Cod Baseball League itself is a non-profit organization. No entrance tickets are sold at the games and as noted a while back, the whole institution revolves around the generosity and support of the communities involved. Moreover, it's the commitment and hard work of the volunteers on each team that make every summer season run smoothly. 

Take a look at 4 of the YD Red Sox behind the scene teams that make each game, event, and overall season become what they are each summer:

The Broadcast Booth

The Broadcast Team is an invaluable part of the YD Red Sox. Not only do they take care off all the technical factors that go into each game including scoreboard, announcing, and music, but they are also responsible for bringing the games to fans at home who could not make it out to the home games via live internet broadcasts, free of charge. This job requires a ton of work, not only at the games but at home as well. 

The team is compromised of three college interns, all with hopes of someday working for professional sports teams in some way or another. In addition to broadcasting the games, these interns put together game highlights, write up news articles, update the teams social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube), and put together team footage. 
YD Broadcast Internt Ryan Gallant in the Press Box

The most legendary broadcast character is Joe Rubin, the teams announcer. Joe has been announcing for the YD Red Sox since 2003. His commitment to the team is one of passion, and he makes each game an enjoyable one for all visitors to Red Wilson Field. 
Long time YD Red Sox Announcer Joe Rubin 

Next time you're at a YD Red Sox game, turn your heads up to the press box and give these volunteers a round of applause. 

Host Families

Few remember that the boys who come out to play for the YD Red Sox are in fact college kids. They spend their summers away from their homes, families and friends, which at times can be tough. However, the team is lucky enough to have a team of host families who open their doors to the players, providing them with meals, transportation, beds, and truly the love of a family. 
YD Red Sox Catcher Wayne Taylor and host family
YD Red Sox Pitcher Kevin McAvoy and host family 
Prior to the last game on Saturday, YD honored the host families; each family lined up with their players, arms linked in a chain that covered the entire third baseline. The hospitality and endearment of the folks that make up these units is part of what keeps the players grounded throughout the summer. They come to all the games, provide constant support, and give back to the YD Red Sox selflessly. It goes without saying that the franchise, team, and fans are so appreciative of them.

College Interns

Another facet of the YD Red Sox volunteers is the College Intern unit. Similar to the to players, these college interns join the YD Red Sox community in efforts to work on their future careers whether it be as sports managers, media coordinators, or heading a non-profit. Being an intern for YD is a great overall learning experience and covers a lot of fields of interest providing a great summer experience.
YD Intern Nick C. leading the kids raffle
YD Interns Katie C. and Britt B. working the merchandise tent at the 2013 All Star Game

But beyond this, the interns at their core are volunteers. Thus, they are part of the well oiled machine that is every YD home game. They are in charge of all of the jobs that go on at the games including selling 50/50 raffle tickets, face painting, working in the concessions stand, assisting in merchandise, cleaning up the field, and overall making sure that the games are more than just a team on a field; they're a summer activity that people enjoy coming to. 

The Executive Committee and Board Members

And finally, the engine that fuels the entire franchise is the Executive Committee and Board Members. These folks are the people who manage everything from budgets to buying food for concessions to field maintenance and beyond. They oversee the entire season making sure that everything runs smoothly. Without them, the YD Red Sox would not exist. Each season, the board goes above and beyond volunteering their summers solely with a passion for the sport, team, and organization. 

Our hats go off to the executive committee and board members. One can not stress enough their importance to the team. 

Next Time You're at a YD Red Sox Game...

Think about the amazing people behind the scenes. Give them a special round of applause and tip your hats towards the volunteers who make your favorite summer past time a possibility. And of course, we thank you, our fans, for always donating and being the biggest support to the team. 

Now onto the playoffs! Go YD Red Sox and be sure to come out to Red Wilson Field on Wednesday, August 5th for game two of our playoff series against the Chatham Anglers! 

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