Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Yarmouth Summer Celebration Kick Off Fire Works at Red Wilson Field

Not all things go according to plan, especially in the world of sports.  Schedules falter, rain happens, and games get postponed. Unfortunately, this was the case on June 29th when due to this summer's ever-present stormy skies, the town of Yarmouth had to call a rain date for the 2013 Yarmouth Summer Celebration Kick Off fireworks finale. However, good things come to those who wait and the town was able to enjoy a magnificent show just a few weeks later, on July 18th.

And while slightly overdue, the fireworks were nothing short of magnificent. Moreover, they were the perfect way to celebrate a YD Red Sox win (5-3) that night against Harwich Mariners. 
Happy fans and a triumphant team scattered blankets and beach chairs all over the outfield, watching as the sun set over the ball park. There was a sense of unity amongst the crowd; the players mingled with the families and little kids ran around, playing tag and catch in summer's dusk. 

When the fireworks spread their sparks, everyone gathered in utter happiness. There is something magical about the bursts of flames igniting the sky. But what's more is the joy that one could feel eminating across the field from all ages over victory, beauty, and ease. Community is what makes the YD Red Sox thrive, and in return, the team is fueled by the support of their fans. It's a novelty to have a night where the two can come together in appreciation of one another, and share an evening of fun.

Were you at the fireworks this year? What was your favorite part? Leave a comment below or share a picture or two! 

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